Fish, seafood and other authentic dishes

People in this area, that is from the island of Krk, have a centuries-old tradition of living by the sea and this tradition has certainly influenced our gastro and cuisine offer which is primarily based on fish and seafood dishes.
Thanks to the hard work and skill of the local fishermen we are able to offer to our guests various fish dishes, dishes made of mussels, crabs, octopus, shrimps, . . .
Domestic olive oil, fresh vegetables, indigenous herbs and spices . . . these are all prerequisites for ultimate gastronomic experience.

All meals in our restaurant we prepare using authentic recipes and strive, as much as possible, to use the traditional ways and techniques of preparing food.
So, on the restaurant’s ”Žal” menu you will find: , ”brudet”/brodeto (fish stew) made of Cuttlefish with macaroni (croatian ”makaruni”) or with polenta, ”šurlice” (handmade pasta) with Shrimps, Monkfish in gravy made of ”Žlahtina” (quality dry white wine produced from an autochthonous variety, the white ”žlahtina”), Sea Bass fillet with capers and tomatoes in white wine, shrimp risotto with asparagus (seasonal dish), white fish with potatoes baked in the oven, grilled or fried calamari (caught in the waters around the island), crabs and clams in olive oil, . . .

Some dishes (seasonal dishes) can be prepared only in certain months of the year (domestic calamari, asparagus). Such a ”seasonal” menu allows us to enable to our guests to enjoy a genuine and authentic delicacies of the island of Krk.


To reserve, please call us at 385/51/853-142


Monday – Sunday
from 10:00 until 24:00


Thanks to the hard work and skill of the local fishermen we are able to offer to our guests various fish dishes, dishes made of mussels, crabs, octopus, shrimps…



Although the cuisine of our restaurant is primarily based on fish and seafood dishes, on our menu you will find various meat dishes and dishes prepared of local indigenous meat products.



Homemade pasta, especially famous ”Krčke šurlice”, ”Makaruni”, just like seafood dishes, prosciutto and cheese, has become one of the most authentic trademarks…



On the Restaurant ”Žal” wine list you will find various red and white wines, sparkling wines, … all of them are produced by renowned winemakers from the island of Krk.